Self-Talk for Self-Care

An audio journal for emotional well-being

It’s like therapy without a therapist! This app is simply perfect for me. I didn’t know I was looking for this. But now that I have it, I’m beyond grateful. It reminded me how much power was in my own voice.
— Anonymous

Experts on self-talk

“Positive self-talk can be beneficial, when you are doing it over and over and over again it can rewire the brain. The way you talk to yourself affects how you feel and how you behave.”

Ann Kearny-Cooke, Cincinnati Psychotherapy Institute

“This (self-talk) is something you can give to people that they can use for processing memories from the past, things in the moment, as well as anticipating stressful situations in the future. That basically covers the gamut of things people are struggling with.”

Jason Moser, Clinical Psychology Program, Michigan State University

“Everyone self-talks internally, those of us who talk to ourselves out loud have a bit of an edge. The benefit of audible self-talk in improving both concentration and performance appears to come from simply hearing oneself, as auditory commands seem to be better controllers of behavior than written ones.”

Paloma Mari-Beffa, School of Psychology, Bangor University

Within App Framework


Use your voice to explore what’s on your heart and mind through self-talk and affirmation sessions.


Use the feelings guide to accurately name your emotions and move through them.


Listen to your own sessions and community sessions to help expand your perspective.


Anonymously share your sessions at will, to help others in the future just when they need it most.